Client Case Studies

Client Case Study - Global Installations

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Global installations website homepage screenshot


Global Installations is a local aerial and home security business, that was looking to expand their customer base and establish a stronger online presence. Despite having a solid reputation and years of experience, they primarily relied on word-of-mouth referrals, which led to inconsistent work and long gaps between projects.


  • Develop a professional, user-friendly website to showcase services and build credibility.

  • Implement SEO strategies to increase visibility and drive organic traffic.

  • Create a steady lead generation pipeline to ensure a consistent flow of new clients.


Through a combination of a custom website, SEO optimization, and targeted marketing, Global Installations saw a significant transformation in their business reach and client engagement.

  • Increased Website Traffic: Organic visits to the website grew by 85% within the first three months, boosting visibility and drawing more qualified leads

  • Higher Conversion Rate: The new website structure and easy-to-use inquiry form led to a 40% increase in conversion rates, turning more visitors into paying customers.

  • Steady Flow of Leads: With ongoing SEO and lead generation efforts, Global Installations now receives a consistent stream of new inquiries, reducing downtime and helping them plan projects more effectively.

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